Deploy or update a saved search used for an alert on azure OMS – Error “Please validate the JSON payload.”

Just a quick post to hopefully help other people with this error..

Long story short, we had a VSTS pipeline and code made by a guy few months ago, it was supposed to work. I did few changes and I had problems with the pipeline, fixed it and I finally was able to deploy. After few days of work it wasn’t working anymore.

I got a bunch of weird error like I wasn’t able to update the saved search, so I deleted them by hand which seems to fix this problem. But after that I got this weird error message which don’t say a lot of details about what is failing.

2019-06-08T01:41:44.9587130Z ##[error]At least one resource deployment operation failed. Please list deployment operations for details. Please see for usage details.
2019-06-08T01:41:44.9596749Z ##[error]Details:
2019-06-08T01:41:44.9597162Z ##[error]BadRequest: {
"error": {
"code": "BadRequest",
"message": "Please validate the JSON payload."
} undefined

So as advised by one of my coworker I stopped using VSTS and try to deploy using powershell. It wasn’t working better, but yeah at least I got more details about the failing ressources.

Resource Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/savedSearches/schedules/actions XXXXXXXXXX

So at least now I knew what resources was concerned by this problem… After a lot of try I finally find out the query the guy wrote on few alerts wasn’t working. At least, it is not working anymore… So I removed the “| distinct RawData, Computer” and my deployment started working again.

Now the weird thing is it did work for a few times with this code.. At one time I fucked up the name of the alarm in prod vs nonprod and it looks like the problem started around this time but even after deleting all the saved search/solutions it was still failling…

So anyway it is working now, I hope someone will find this usefull and save them few hours of wasted time!



Playing with IPFS to act as a RPM repo

This is a short howto get IPFS running on a vm to play around and discover. You should not do this on a machine with sensitive information on it nor on a production server…

This is a pretty straight forward howto, if you want to know how IPFS work it’s not the right place, I might make another post on this later.

Download and Install IPFS binary.

[arsenick@rpm-distro-build ipfs]$ wget
--2018-03-13 14:39:08--
Resolving (,, 2001:41d0:303:27b5::, ...
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 12635297 (12M) [application/x-gzip]
Saving to: ‘go-ipfs_v0.4.13_linux-amd64.tar.gz’

go-ipfs_v0.4.13_linux-amd64.tar. 100%[=========================================================>] 12.05M 2.84MB/s in 4.6s

2018-03-13 14:39:13 (2.63 MB/s) - ‘go-ipfs_v0.4.13_linux-amd64.tar.gz’ saved [12635297/12635297]

[arsenick@rpm-distro-build ipfs]$ tar -xzvf go-ipfs_v0.4.13_linux-amd64.tar.gz 
[arsenick@rpm-distro-build ipfs]$ cd go-ipfs/
[arsenick@rpm-distro-build go-ipfs]$ ls
build-log ipfs LICENSE
[arsenick@rpm-distro-build go-ipfs]$ sudo ./ 
Moved ipfs to /usr/local/bin
[arsenick@rpm-distro-build ipfs]$


Initialize and configure CORS

I used * and to permit all host, remember this is a lab setup just to play around, don’t do this if you want to keep the daemon running 24/7 on a machine with important documents.

$ ipfs init
$ ipfs config Addresses.API /ip4/
$ ipfs config Addresses.Gateway /ip4/
$ ipfs config --json API.HTTPHeaders.Access-Control-Allow-Origin '["*"]'
$ ipfs config --json API.HTTPHeaders.Access-Control-Allow-Methods '["PUT", "GET", "POST"]'

If you want to check the current config run ipfs config Addresses:

[arsenick@rpm-distro-build mylivecrypto]$ ipfs config Addresses

 "API": "/ip4/",
 "Announce": [],
 "Gateway": "/ip4/",
 "NoAnnounce": [],
 "Swarm": [

Starting the daemon

$ ipfs daemon

If you have problem launch the daemon with –debug

$ ipfs daemon --debug


Verify that we are connected to other peers in the swarm:

$ ipfs swarm peers

First publish

Let’s create a directory in which we’ll put a picture, wathever the picture you have, really… If you don’t have any you can get the classic IPFS hosted cat here.

$ mkdir test-ipfs
$ cp Images/cat.jpg test-ipfs/

Let’s add the entire folder:

$ ipfs add -r test-ipfs

IPFS will generate a hash for each and every files that is in this directory. The -r mean recursive.

You can now test using a public gateway like just add the site hash you got after adding the directory.

Let’s try to use it as a RPM repo

First we’ll copy some rpm inside a directory. I want to share those files with apache too so I’ll put them in /var/www/html

$ cd /var/www/html
$ sudo mkdir mylivecrypto
$ sudo cp /home/arsenick/rpmbuild/RPMS/noarch/*.rpm /var/www/html/mylivecrypto/
$ sudo createrepo -v /var/www/html/mylivecrypto/

Then we’ll add the directory we’ve just created with it’s content to the swarm:

$ ipfs add -r mylivecrypto/
added QmSsDvYbXzqo9X3F5Vz1kunSsznPJJWmzbd16PNVSumPH1 mylivecrypto/etherwallet-3.20.03-1.fc27.noarch.rpm
added QmaizchR1MFu5cvtYD52KBrghJzuZGV3ZHUzCZmgu7EyWL mylivecrypto/mycrypto-3.12.0-1.fc27.noarch.rpm
added QmU7y5uycimDRK92Bu2hrBkYz858S9VP4k1sZZ5jJtb3ey mylivecrypto/repodata/1b18985381e6e801dd30895d83ff1a60b4e251238bf54b7d964607fae6fee6ff-other.sqlite.bz2
added QmTZnzS5yHBo39ESDvsg73KhmmsuhX4b4wH8QTGfDqbXBu mylivecrypto/repodata/26902cfa30e1b791faadbd1bb745e7803c07a6733450d88625788d53de9baee9-primary.sqlite.bz2
added QmZTV2j774nuvb8NaW31FvHVGdehtsURpxxmFA1Dc8Wn9h mylivecrypto/repodata/4d5e514c7bbf4ea0593a7b0e33ffef97ff6739b0803ad84b699c72f87ae9ce5e-primary.xml.gz
added QmfRcKNTi65hRRseE2NM81iSefjffQfUG6S9nfd6HcUrGC mylivecrypto/repodata/4f0c27f652c56e97ce1ac06941d80c083f1a52cd85b5f24d335ecc167b362a2e-filelists.sqlite.bz2
added QmNjS1MoQCphNC9E8mmJUR2aXAzMN1QNAs1qaJrimVivoT mylivecrypto/repodata/5a1a69e89862cb338a014a1fc513626f4104b23fa0c41c1a961d8ced92be6dcc-other.xml.gz
added QmeGAVXs3wGq2LSPcQy1bji7id9BeVBULLt8m95gjJCAdu mylivecrypto/repodata/ce3dea1b7bd0f02f95a5858873b6370c1aa592a0e5508ce8297f94c8e125231a-filelists.xml.gz
added QmegVtiYKzCRHin3FhEqzFDLytXTT83cya1ZEAAfPFjNWg mylivecrypto/repodata/repomd.xml
added QmX8od9tRccsbVPwchjjsB24Q38piNbkDXonQwRqfHLen9 mylivecrypto/repodata
added QmXXoZCjQHxZxRAxbRTQtGQ4jwQjHJ8YjxvGWLWCpgfKEo mylivecrypto

That’s it our directory and it’s content has been added to the swarm! In the example above QmXXoZCjQHxZxRAxbRTQtGQ4jwQjHJ8YjxvGWLWCpgfKEo is the folder hash.

If you want to add this repo to your host you should then add the repo url:

[arsenick@rpm-distro-build ~]$ sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo
[sudo] password for arsenick:

Yum-utils package has been deprecated, use dnf instead.
See 'man yum2dnf' for more information.

adding repo from:

name=added from:

[arsenick@rpm-distro-build ~]$ yum search myether
added from: 3.5 kB/s | 2.4 kB 00:00 
Last metadata expiration check: 0:00:00 ago on Thu 15 Mar 2018 11:35:07 AM EDT.
================================================== Description Matched: myether ===================================================
etherwallet.noarch : Packaged version of MEW. Package maintained by Rene Jr Purcell

It’s working! The big problem with that is, I can’t update the files once it’s added… I’ll make another post soon about IPNS which should enable us to use the same hash to access the folder, when you need to update the files, you just point the IPNS to the new IPFS hash.

Accessing the WebUI

If you want to access the WebUI from the localhost then you can just go to:

If you are trying to access the WebUI from a remote machine it’s not gonna work, even if you changed the ip address on which the API listen… It seems like for now even if you configure CORS correctly, the localhost is still hardcoded in the webui as a “Security measure”. You should be able to call the API remotely with the correct CORS config we did (more info here: ). So if you really want this to work remotely with the WebUI you’ll have to use ssh to forward port.

$ ssh -L 5001:localhost:5001 arsenick@192.168.X.X

$ ssh -L 8080:localhost:8080 arsenick@192.168.X.X


And then use SSH will forward 5001 and 8080 to the machine running IPFS daemon.

Create service for easy and automatic startup (mandatory)

$ vim /lib/systemd/system/ipfs.service
Description=ipfs daemon

ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/ipfs daemon


Let’s reload systemd and enable IPFS service.

$ systemctl daemon-reload
$ systemctl enable ipfs.service

That’s it, you can now play around with IPFS. I’m curently testing how this could work for a RPM repository!



Related to remote access of webui:

View at

Howto use RHEL BYOS azure image – RedHat

Here’s a quick post on how to subscribe and use the preview enabling you to test/use the RHEL image in BYOS (Bring Your Own Subscription) model.


If you are reading this you probably already have found the RHEL image named rhel-byos in azure, but you were unable to use them because it was private.

I was going to share the link here, but as far as I’ve been told, I can’t. So please contact your Redhat rep or Microsoft rep if you want to join the preview. You probably can open a ticket on azure portal.


Important thing to know once you’re in the preview program:

You have to accept the Terms, don’t forget the:

| Set-AzureRmMarketplaceTerms -Accept

Even if the publisher name is RedHat when you lookup the image, when you want to use it, you have to use “redhat” all lowercase.


Here’s the powershell script I used to test the deployment once I was in the preview.

# Variables for common values
$resourceGroup = "testbyos"
$location = "canadaeast"
$vmName = "test02"

# Define user name and blank password
$securePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString 'XXXXXX!' -AsPlainText -Force
$cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ("azureuser", $securePassword)

Get-AzureRmMarketplaceTerms -Publisher redhat -Product rhel-byos -Name rhel-lvm75 | Set-AzureRmMarketplaceTerms -Accept

# Create a resource group
New-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name $resourceGroup -Location $location

# Create a subnet configuration
$subnetConfig = New-AzureRmVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig -Name mySubnet -AddressPrefix

# Create a virtual network
$vnet = New-AzureRmVirtualNetwork -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -Location $location `
-Name MYvNET -AddressPrefix -Subnet $subnetConfig

# Create a public IP address and specify a DNS name
$pip = New-AzureRmPublicIpAddress -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -Location $location `
-Name "mypublicdns$(Get-Random)" -AllocationMethod Static -IdleTimeoutInMinutes 4

# Create an inbound network security group rule for port 22
$nsgRuleSSH = New-AzureRmNetworkSecurityRuleConfig -Name myNetworkSecurityGroupRuleSSH -Protocol Tcp `
-Direction Inbound -Priority 1000 -SourceAddressPrefix * -SourcePortRange * -DestinationAddressPrefix * `
-DestinationPortRange 22 -Access Allow

# Create a network security group
$nsg = New-AzureRmNetworkSecurityGroup -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -Location $location `
-Name myNetworkSecurityGroup -SecurityRules $nsgRuleSSH

# Create a virtual network card and associate with public IP address and NSG
$nic = New-AzureRmNetworkInterface -Name myNic -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -Location $location `
-SubnetId $vnet.Subnets[0].Id -PublicIpAddressId $pip.Id -NetworkSecurityGroupId $nsg.Id

# Create a virtual machine configuration
$vmConfig = New-AzureRmVMConfig -VMName $vmName -VMSize Standard_D3_v2 |
Set-AzureRmVMOperatingSystem -Linux -ComputerName $vmName -Credential $cred |
Set-AzureRmVMSourceImage -PublisherName redhat -Offer rhel-byos -Skus rhel-lvm75 -Version latest |
Add-AzureRmVMNetworkInterface -Id $nic.Id

Set-AzureRmVMPlan -VM $vmConfig -Publisher redhat -Product rhel-byos -Name rhel-lvm75

# Configure SSH Keys
#$sshPublicKey = Get-Content "$env:USERPROFILE\.ssh\"
#Add-AzureRmVMSshPublicKey -VM $vmconfig -KeyData $sshPublicKey -Path "/home/azureuser/.ssh/authorized_keys"

# Create a virtual machine
New-AzureRmVM -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -Location $location -VM $vmConfig

Use multiple monitor and full screen with Citrix receiver on Linux

Hi, here’s a quick post with the instruction I used to fix this. My employer give access to different ressources via Citrix. One of them was starting full screen and using my 3 monitor. The other one was starting in a windows 1024×768 ..


I assume you already have installed citrix reciever ( located in /opt/Citrix/ICAClient/ ) and everything is already working.. So here’s how I fixed the multiple monitor thing.

Create a new script:

$ sudo vim /opt/Citrix/ICAClient/

Put this content in it:

FILEA=$1 ; sed -i 's/DesiredVRES.*/DesiredVRES=4294967295/' $FILEA ; sed -i 's/DesiredHRES.*/DesiredHRES=4294967295/' $FILEA ; export WFICA_OPTS="-span a" ; /opt/Citrix/ICAClient/wfica -span h -icaroot /opt/Citrix/ICAClient $FILEA

Change the permissions

$ sudo chmod +x /opt/Citrix/ICAClient/

Allright, now you can try if this work!

$ /opt/Citrix/ICAClient/ /path/to/your/launch.ica

The session should start on all your monitor. There’s nothing really complex here, we are just replacing the DesiredVRES and DesiredHRES the Citrix server preset in the .ica file…

Now if you want to launch all the ica file using this script you can just modify the .desktop entry and point the Exec= to the script we just created and add %f at the end which is the variable referencing the filename.

$ cat /usr/share/applications/wfica.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Citrix Receiver Engine
Exec=/opt/Citrix/ICAClient/ %f

I’m not sure if this is necessary, but if it doesn,t work yet, try it:

sudo update-desktop-database && sudo update-mime-database /usr/share/mime

So after that you should be able to doublecheck an .ica file in your nautilus or maybe open it right in firefox. I wanted to use xdg-open in forefox to open the file directly but I’m using the snap version of firefox and there seems to have a problem opening files..

This is far from perfect, I don’t have a lot of time and I wanted to work quick so it might be a bit dirty, but it’s a good start.

Hope this will help!


Building a fedora spin


Install and Configure mock

# dnf install mock
# usermod -a -G mock <user>

Here’s how you setup a Fedora 27 x86_64 environment.

$ mock -r fedora-27-x86_64 --init
$ mock -r fedora-27-x86_64 --install lorax-lmc-novirt git vim-minimal pykickstart

For a different arch or release modify the mock configuration file.

Enable network access in mock. Modify config_opts[‘rpmbuild_networking’] to True.

$ sudo vi /etc/mock/site-defaults.cfg

Kickstart files

Inside the mock chroot or container, clone the kickstarts git repository. If your system is using SELinux it needs to be set to Permissive mode while running lorax. The –old-chroot might not be needed for you. I had to use it because I had problem with loop device inside mock.

$ sudo setenforce 0
$ mock -r fedora-27-x86_64 --shell --old-chroot
<mock-chroot> sh-4.4# git clone

Modify the fedora-repo.ks. You’ll have to comment the rawhide repo and uncomment this line:

 %include fedora-repo-not-rawhide.ks


change directory into fedora-kickstarts and flatten a kickstart

<mock-chroot> sh-4.4# cd fedora-kickstarts
<mock-chroot> sh-4.4# ksflatten --config fedora-live-workstation.ks -oFedora-MyLiveCrypto.ks --version F27

You should see a warning about redundant “part /”, go edit the flat-fedora-live-workstation.ks and remove one of them. If you want to remove packages or group of packages, add stuff etc.. That’s where you’ll do it. For the first time I suggest you just go with the original kickstart file just to verify everything is working.


<mock-chroot> sh-4.4# livemedia-creator --ks Fedora-MyLiveCrypto.ks --no-virt --resultdir /var/lmc --project Fedora-work-mylivecrypto --make-iso --volid Fedora-mylivecrypto-27 --iso-only --iso-name Fedora-mylivecrypto-27-x86_64-1.iso --releasever 27 --title Fedora-MyLiveCrypto-live --macboot

<mock-chroot> sh-4.4# livemedia-creator --ks Fedora-MyLiveCrypto.ks --no-virt --resultdir /var/lmc --project Fedora-work-mylivecrypto --make-iso --volid Fedora-mylivecrypto-27 --iso-only --iso-name Fedora-mylivecrypto-27-x86_64-1.iso --releasever 27 --title Fedora-MyLiveCrypto-live --macboot
2018-03-05 21:02:02,319: livemedia-creator v27.11-1
2018-03-05 21:02:02,554: disk_img = /var/lmc/lmc-disk-_zch_o2a.img
2018-03-05 21:02:02,555: Using disk size of 6658MiB
X2018-03-05 21:02:06,314: Running anaconda.
2018-03-05 21:02:07,567: 
2018-03-05 21:02:07,568: ** (process:1703): WARNING **: Kernel module 'btrfs' not available
2018-03-05 21:02:07,570: 
2018-03-05 21:02:07,571: ** (process:1703): WARNING **: Cannot load the BTRFS plugin
2018-03-05 21:02:10,302: Starting installer, one moment...
2018-03-05 21:02:10,304: terminal size detection failed, using default width
2018-03-05 21:02:10,304: anaconda 27.20.4-1 for Fedora-work-mylivecrypto 27 (pre-release) started.
2018-03-05 21:02:10,324: Traceback (most recent call last):
2018-03-05 21:02:10,325: File "/usr/sbin/anaconda", line 603, in <module>
2018-03-05 21:02:10,325: display.setup_display(anaconda, opts, addon_paths=addon_paths)
2018-03-05 21:02:10,326: File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/pyanaconda/", line 258, in setup_display
2018-03-05 21:02:10,327: vnc_can_be_started, vnc_error_messages = check_vnc_can_be_started(anaconda)
2018-03-05 21:02:10,328: File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/pyanaconda/", line 120, in check_vnc_can_be_started
2018-03-05 21:02:10,328: if not nm_is_connecting() and not nm_is_connected():
2018-03-05 21:02:10,329: File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/pyanaconda/", line 173, in nm_is_connecting
2018-03-05 21:02:10,330: return nm_state() == NM.State.CONNECTING
2018-03-05 21:02:10,330: File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/pyanaconda/", line 149, in nm_state
2018-03-05 21:02:10,331: return NM.State.CONNECTED_GLOBAL
2018-03-05 21:02:10,331: AttributeError: type object 'State' has no attribute 'CONNECTED_GLOBAL'
2018-03-05 21:02:10,468: Running anaconda failed: process '['anaconda', '--kickstart', '/fedora-kickstarts/Fedora-MyLiveCrypto.ks', '--cmdline', '--dirinstall', '--remotelog', '']' exited with status 1
2018-03-05 21:03:08,338: Install failed: novirt_install failed
2018-03-05 21:03:08,346: Removing bad disk image
2018-03-05 21:03:08,360: ERROR: Image creation failed: novirt_install failed
<mock-chroot> sh-4.4# livemedia-creator --ks Fedora-MyLiveCrypto.ks --no-virt --resultdir /var/lmc --project Fedora-work-mylivecrypto --make-iso --volid Fedora-mylivecrypto-27 --iso-only --iso-name Fedora-mylivecrypto-27-x86_64-1.iso --releasever 27 --title Fedora-MyLiveCrypto-live --macboot
2018-03-05 22:16:30,299: livemedia-creator v27.11-1
2018-03-05 22:16:30,300: The results_dir (/var/lmc) should not exist, please delete or move its contents
<mock-chroot> sh-4.4# rm -rf /var/lmc/
<mock-chroot> sh-4.4# livemedia-creator --ks Fedora-MyLiveCrypto.ks --no-virt --resultdir /var/lmc --project Fedora-work-mylivecrypto --make-iso --volid Fedora-mylivecrypto-27 --iso-only --iso-name Fedora-mylivecrypto-27-x86_64-1.iso --releasever 27 --title Fedora-MyLiveCrypto-live --macboot
2018-03-05 22:16:34,188: livemedia-creator v27.11-1
2018-03-05 22:16:34,250: disk_img = /var/lmc/lmc-disk-d6h69eot.img
2018-03-05 22:16:34,251: Using disk size of 6658MiB
2018-03-05 22:16:37,432: Running anaconda.
2018-03-05 22:16:37,754: 
2018-03-05 22:16:37,754: ** (process:1825): WARNING **: Kernel module 'btrfs' not available
2018-03-05 22:16:37,755: 
2018-03-05 22:16:37,755: ** (process:1825): WARNING **: Cannot load the BTRFS plugin
2018-03-05 22:16:38,869: Starting installer, one moment...
2018-03-05 22:16:38,870: terminal size detection failed, using default width
2018-03-05 22:16:38,870: anaconda 27.20.4-1 for Fedora-work-mylivecrypto 27 (pre-release) started.
2018-03-05 22:16:38,870: 22:16:38 Not asking for VNC because of an automated install
2018-03-05 22:16:38,871: 22:16:38 Not asking for VNC because of an automated install
2018-03-05 22:16:38,871: 22:16:38 Not asking for VNC because we don't have Xvnc
2018-03-05 22:16:38,874: 22:16:38 Not asking for VNC because we don't have Xvnc
2018-03-05 22:16:39,630: Processing logs from ('', 39458)
2018-03-05 22:18:08,849: Starting automated install.......................................................................................
2018-03-05 22:18:08,850: ================================================================================
2018-03-05 22:18:08,851: ================================================================================
2018-03-05 22:18:08,851: Installation
2018-03-05 22:18:08,852: 
2018-03-05 22:18:08,853: 1) [x] Language settings 2) [x] Time settings
2018-03-05 22:18:08,854: (English (United States)) (US/Eastern timezone)
2018-03-05 22:18:08,854: 3) [x] Installation source 4) [x] Software selection
2018-03-05 22:18:08,855: (https://mirrors.fedoraproject.o (Custom software selected)
2018-03-05 22:18:08,856: rg/mirrorlist?repo=fedora-$relea
2018-03-05 22:18:08,856: sever&arch=$basearch)
2018-03-05 22:18:08,857: 5) [x] Network configuration 6) [ ] User creation
2018-03-05 22:18:08,857: (No network devices available) (No user will be created)
2018-03-05 22:18:08,858: 
2018-03-05 22:18:08,858: ================================================================================
2018-03-05 22:18:08,859: ================================================================================
2018-03-05 22:18:08,860: Progress
2018-03-05 22:18:08,861: 
2018-03-05 22:18:08,864: Setting up the installation environment
2018-03-05 22:18:09,545: .
2018-03-05 22:18:09,545: Configuring storage
2018-03-05 22:18:09,547: .
2018-03-05 22:18:09,547: Running pre-installation scripts
2018-03-05 22:18:09,772: .
2018-03-05 22:18:09,773: Running pre-installation tasks
2018-03-05 22:23:03,040: .
2018-03-05 22:23:03,040: Installing.
2018-03-05 22:23:03,041: Starting package installation process
2018-03-05 22:23:03,041: Downloading packages
2018-03-05 22:23:03,042: Downloading 1686 RPMs, 0 B / 1.48 GiB (0%) done.
2018-03-05 22:23:03,042: Downloading 1686 RPMs, 5.52 MiB / 1.48 GiB (0%) done.
2018-03-05 22:23:03,043: Downloading 1686 RPMs, 11.56 MiB / 1.48 GiB (0%) done.
2018-03-05 22:23:03,043: Downloading 1686 RPMs, 17.84 MiB / 1.48 GiB (1%) done.
2018-03-05 22:23:03,044: Downloading 1686 RPMs, 23.42 MiB / 1.48 GiB (1%) done.
2018-03-05 22:23:03,044: Downloading 1686 RPMs, 29.77 MiB / 1.48 GiB (1%) done.
2018-03-05 15:51:31,853: Verifying hunspell-en-GB.noarch (1558/1559)
2018-03-05 15:51:31,853: Verifying perl-libnet.noarch (1559/1559)
2018-03-05 15:51:31,854: .
2018-03-05 15:51:31,854: Configuring storage
2018-03-05 15:51:31,855: .
2018-03-05 15:51:31,855: Performing post-installation setup tasks
2018-03-05 15:51:36,506: .
2018-03-05 15:51:36,507: 
2018-03-05 15:51:36,507: Configuring installed system
2018-03-05 15:51:38,665: .
2018-03-05 15:51:38,667: Creating users
2018-03-05 15:51:38,669: .
2018-03-05 15:51:38,670: Configuring addons
2018-03-05 15:52:04,568: .
2018-03-05 15:52:04,569: Generating initramfs
2018-03-05 15:53:15,788: .
2018-03-05 15:53:15,789: Running post-installation scripts
2018-03-05 15:53:15,792: .
2018-03-05 15:53:15,793: Storing configuration files and kickstarts
2018-03-05 15:53:15,801: .
2018-03-05 15:55:49,196: Shutting down log processing
2018-03-05 15:55:52,559: Disk Image install successful
2018-03-05 15:55:52,561: working dir is /var/tmp/lmc-work-_4z0sq47
2018-03-05 16:29:59,226: Rebuilding initrds
2018-03-05 16:29:59,227: dracut args = ['--xz', '--add', 'livenet dmsquash-live convertfs pollcdrom qemu qemu-net', '--omit', 'plymouth', '--no-hostonly', '--debug', '--no-early-microcode']
2018-03-05 16:29:59,229: rebuilding boot/initramfs-4.15.6-300.fc27.x86_64.img
2018-03-05 16:31:12,965: Building boot.iso
2018-03-05 16:31:13,084: running x86.tmpl
2018-03-05 16:31:53,990: Creating image file /var/tmp/lmc-work-_4z0sq47/images/product.img from contents of /var/tmp/lorax.imgutils.nzcr8i5_/usr/share/lorax//product/
2018-03-05 16:32:34,309: Disk image erased
2018-03-05 16:32:42,993: SUMMARY
2018-03-05 16:32:42,998: -------
2018-03-05 16:32:42,999: Logs are in /fedora-kickstarts
2018-03-05 16:32:42,999: Results are in /var/lmc
<mock-chroot> sh-4.4#

Get the iso and test it

You’ll find the iso in “/var/lib/mock/fedora-27-x86_64/root/var/lmc” just copy it somewhere else and test it using Virtualbox, kvm or qemu.

If you want to build a new iso you’ll have to delete the “/var/lmc” inside your mock, otherwise livemedia-creator won’t start.


Special thanks to Southern_Gentlem, dowdle and sfix for their help on Freenode #fedora and #fedora-respins


New project, MyLiveCrypto

Edit of original post:

After a lot of discussion and reading on the numerous standard and rules of Fedora packaging I’ve decided to not go forward with this project. I’m really sad, I think it’s a great idea but the main problem is with all the rules and guideline I have to follow while packaging MEW/mycrypto and other wallets. I cannot include dependency in a single package, so just for mew/mycrypto I had to package all the node dependency and the list was crazy.

I could be doing it anyway and not being part of the fedora project but it would mean people using my spin would have to trust me 100% for not tampering with code or anything inside the OS. So I know I wouldn’t put that amount of trust into someone I don’t know, why would you ? Anyway you shouldn’t! So it’s on hold for now, I’ll follow the guideline updates few folks told me there could be some adjustment soon regarding the kind of dependency I had in my packages..

If anyone reading this have experience in packaging in Fedora and think they can help I would be more than happy to revive this project. Send me an email at


It’s been a long time since my last post here. A lot of things have changed and getting older with more responsibility mean less time to play around and update my internet life!

So a little recap of the last year for my digital life, I’m now a full time Openstack administrator and a lot of my time last year has been used to learn about the Openstack platform and read about blockchains and distributed ledger technology. I really liked the connection blockchain made with the opensource and the decentralized and fair way of doing things.

With Crypto you are responsible for your own security, the blockchain is deemed secure, but you have to handle and keep your private key in a safe place. That’s the weak point for most people, this and not sending eth to scammer impersonating vitalik on twitter…

So here I am, and here’s my new project, MyLiveCrypto. The idea is pretty simple, a readonly Live Fedora spin with CryptoCurrency wallet already installed. Anybody running windows could reboot their PC/Laptop, boot into the live image and at the very least they won’t have to worry about getting their private key stoled by a virus or a malware. I understand that using this spin put the trust on the creator, I don’t have yet a good way to mitigate this but as the project advance I hope to find ways of being transparent enough so other people could look into the details and verify everything.

This is the first draft so I would like to have comments and idea, here’s a recap of the main feature I aim for the V0.1 release, this is gonna be a small start as I have to learn the spin process and create few packages, follow fedora guideline etc…

  • Live image with graphical desktop
  • Firefox and Brave already installed
  • Basic packaging of MEW and MyCrypto. The first release will only contain Ethereum wallet.
  • Basic packaging for a local version of offline paper wallet generator (
  • Basic packaging of offline paperwallet generator for Bitcoin (
  • Basic rebrand of the visual of background and plymouth splash screen
  • Documentation with best practice, hint and rule of thumb regarding the use of the live image. I want this to open automatically when the X Session start.

Todo for V0.2

  • Find a way to pre-install few browser extensions, metamask, Cryptonite, EtherAddressLookup
  • Make few posts on reddit to see what people think of the ideas and create a poll to see which wallet should I add into the distro for other blockchain
  • Add more Ethereum wallet.
  • Add more Bitcoin wallet.
  • Try to see if Parity could be installed, with geth 1.8 fast sync on a usd key to provite a metamask alternative ?

Ideas for later

  • Grub menu with a selection for booting completely offline to generate transaction with “offline wallet” (at least MEW or MyCrypto).
  • Offer easy usb key encryption to store private keys. Careful with the FS used, people might want to read this key on windows.
  • Package and install Ledger wallet desktop app once it’s released.
  • Look into different solution to verify the integrity of the live image.

That’s it for now, I’ll update this blog when I reach certain milestone, like completing a package etc.. For now I’m working to generate a basic live media image, once everything work as I’d like to and I’m comfortable with the process, I’ll put more work into the MEW and MyCrypto packaging.

Let me know if you are interested in the project!

OpenLDAP crash under barracuda query

The problem appear just after I installed a barracuda V400 and configured the LDAP verification for a valid recipients.

On the server the process just died. At the end of the log I was able to see things like this:

Jul 25 06:30:24 XXXXXXXXX slapd[8327]: daemon: read active on 94
Jul 25 06:30:24 XXXXXXXXX slapd[8327]: daemon: epoll: listen=7 busy
Jul 25 06:30:24 XXXXXXXXX  slapd[8327]: daemon: epoll: listen=8 busy
Jul 25 06:30:24 XXXXXXXXX  slapd[8327]: daemon: epoll: listen=9 busy
Jul 25 06:30:24 XXXXXXXXX  slapd[8327]: daemon: epoll: listen=10 active_threads=0 tvp=NULL
Jul 25 06:30:24 XXXXXXXXX  slapd[8327]: daemon: epoll: listen=11 active_threads=0 tvp=NULL
Jul 25 06:30:29 XXXXXXXXX  slapd[8327]: daemon: activity on 1 descriptor
Jul 25 06:30:29 XXXXXXXXX  slapd[8327]: daemon: activity on:
Jul 25 06:30:29 XXXXXXXXX  slapd[8327]:

I opened a case at barracuda support and after few check with their engineer they told me this was a known issue with the Exchange Antivirus.

So the solution they provided me was to disable the exchange antivirus, in our case this was not a problem, we just don’t have exchange.. I probably just havn’t seen this option during my initial setup..


So to disable this option go to ADVANCED => Exchange Antivirus:

Check the “No” radio button for “Enable Exchange Antivirus” to disable it. At this time our LDAP haven’t crashed since this change..

How to install webpasswordsafe 1.3 WAR on Centos 6

Here’s a quick howto on installing web password safe on CentOS 6 with tomcat.


You’ll need to have JAVA setup correctly with JCE installed and I assume that Tomcat is already installed. You can consult both documentation I wrote :

Howto install JDK 7 with JCE

Howto install Tomcat 7 on centos 6

I will describe the steps I took, feel free to tell me if there’s something to fix, it’s possible your setup is slightly different..

  • Install your CentOS with at least those package/group @Base, mysql-server2 and mysql-connector-java.noarch
    • Don’t forget to run mysql_secure_installation and change the root password..


  • Not sure on this one, because my system is kickstarted and automatically added to the repo, but you’ll probably need the EPEL repository ( rpm -Uhv )



Now we’ll copy the MySQL JDBC driver to our Tomcat Install if it’s not already done:

# ls -lah /opt/apache-tomcat-7.0.53/lib/*mysql*

If you see a file there, skip the copy, you already have the JDBC driver installed.

# cp /usr/share/java/mysql-connector-java.jar /opt/apache-tomcat-7.0.53/lib/

Now we will create the database needed by passwordsafe and the user it will use to connect, plus the permission.

# mysql -u root -p
 mysql> create database webpasswordsafe;
 mysql> create user wps@localhost identified by 'PUT_A_SAFE_PASSWORD_HERE';
 mysql> grant all privileges on webpasswordsafe.* to wps@localhost;
 mysql> grant usage on webpasswordsafe.* to wps@localhost;
 mysql> flush privileges;
 mysql> exit

Now we will deploy the WAR for the first time, and configure some settings:

Stop tomcat if it run:

# /etc/init.d/tomcat-webpasswordsafe stop

Copy the WAR in the webapp directory of your tomcat install and we will rename it:

# cp -ar webpasswordsafe-sample-1.3.war /opt/webpasswordsafe/catalina_base/webapps/
# mv webpasswordsafe-sample-1.3.war webpasswordsafe-1.3.war

Start Tomcat:

# /etc/init.d/tomcat-webpasswordsafe start

Now let’s configure few basics settings:

Set a new secret key at encryptor.jasypt.password

# cd /opt/webpasswordsafe/catalina_base/webapps/webpasswordsafe-1.3
# vim WEB-INF/

Edit the config to access the database:

# vim WEB-INF/
 set db user key

 uncomment mysql config:
 # MySQL/MariaDB settings
 jdbc.validationQuery=select 1

Now restart Tomcat and we’ll see if everything work:

# /etc/init.d/tomcat-webpasswordsafe restart

Normally at this point you should be able to access the web interface via http://your-hostname-or-ip:8080/webpasswordsafe-1.3/

If you are using the default LocalAuthenticator the user/pass are: admin/admin

That’s it for the install, check the Admin Guide for more informations regarding all the different options available in the config files.. I will probably add another post to cinfigure the LDAP connector and other features.


Be sure to setup a SSL connection if you want to use this in production… You don’t want to access your password manager via http… You are gonna store all your password there, doublecheck EVERYTHING, root password, MySQL, SSL, ensure that you have the minimum service running on this host, iptables and SELinux enabled could be a great idea.



Howto install java JDK 7 on CentOS 6 with Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) enabled ready for Tomcat

This installation of java is for people who want to install java and use it with tomcat or any other app that don’t require the java bin to be in the $PATH…


Download the latest JDK 7 release:

If you need to install the JCE, download it: Other Downloads -> Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files. If you don’t know what JCE is, the chance are you won’t need it..

Untar the archive and move it to /opt

# tar -xzvf jdk-7u51-linux-x64.gz
# mv jdk-7u51-linux-x64 /opt/

If you downloaded the JCE, unzip it. We’ll need to overwrite the default file. We’ll backup the file before..

# mv /opt/jdk1.7.0_51/jre/lib/security/local_policy.jar /opt/jdk1.7.0_51/jre/lib/security/local_policy.jar.orig
# mv /opt/jdk1.7.0_51/jre/lib/security/US_export_policy.jar /opt/jdk1.7.0_51/jre/lib/security/US_export_policy.jar.orig
# unzip
# cp UnlimitedJCEPolicy/*.jar /opt/jdk1.7.0_51/jre/lib/security/


And voila!



Howto Install Tomcat 7 clean on Centos 6

Prerequisite: you need to have a working copy of Java installed. See my post about installing Java on CentOS 6 Here.

You’ll see that Tomcat is installed in /opt and every single application will use it’s own catalina_home, this is in place to separate different install and simplify the update process, same thing for java, if a single war don’t support a new version of tomcat, you can upgrade by application, changing only the symbolic link..


The user will use uid 5007, it’s a standard uid of the tomcat user where I work.

useradd -u 5007 -s /sbin/nologin -c "Tomcat" _tomcat

Download the latest tarball and extract it to /opt

tar xzvf apache-tomcat-7.0.53.tar.gz -C /opt
ln -s /opt/apache-tomcat-7.0.53 /opt/tomcat-webpasswordsafe

We will now create the catalina_home base config

cd /opt
mkdir -p webpasswordsafe/catalina_base
cd webpasswordsafe/catalina_base
mkdir bin conf logs webapps work temp
chown _tomcat logs webapps work temp

Now we’ll create where the java_home will be set:

vim /opt/webpasswordsafe/catalina_base/bin/

Point the JAVA_HOME variable to your java home, if you have followed my howto on java it should look like this…


Copy the server.xml and web.xml to our catalina_base, the default should be ok:

cp /opt/apache-tomcat-7.0.53/conf/server.xml /opt/webpasswordsafe/catalina_base/conf/
cp /opt/apache-tomcat-7.0.53/conf/web.xml /opt/webpasswordsafe/catalina_base/conf/

We will now give the files the right ownership:

chmod -R 644 /opt/webpasswordsafe/catalina_base/conf/*
chown -R _tomcat._tomcat /opt/webpasswordsafe/catalina_base/

Create the init script used to start tomcat.

You’ll have to adjust the variable CATALINA_BASE, CATALINA_HOME and SVC_SCRIPT to reflect your installation if it’s not the same as mine.

vim /etc/init.d/tomcat-webpasswordsafe
# Init file for buildserver tomcat
# chkconfig: 35 99 10
# description: BuildServer Tomcat

# source function library
. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions

prog="tomcat pour le gestionnaire de password"



# Toute la config et les apps sont deployees dans ce repertoire
export CATALINA_BASE=/opt/webpasswordsafe/catalina_base
# Le repertoire ou tomcat est vraiment installe
export CATALINA_HOME=/opt/tomcat-webpasswordsafe

 $ECHO -n $"Starting $prog: "
 # On utilise runuser au lieu de daemon() car daemon clear l'environnement... need CATALINA_*
 $RUNUSER -s /bin/bash -m -c "$SVC_SCRIPT $SVC_START_ARGS" "$SVC_USER" && success || failure

 $ECHO -n $"Stopping $prog: "
 $SVC_SCRIPT $SVC_STOP_ARGS && success || failure

case "$1" in
 echo $"Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}"
exit $RETVAL

Give the right permissions to the files:

chmod +x /etc/init.d/tomcat-webpasswordsafe

Enable the service to start at boot:

chkconfig tomcat-webpasswordsafe on

Let’s try this!

Start tomcat with the init script we’ve just created:

/etc/init.d/tomcat-passwordsafe start

You can take a look at the log to see if everything is ok.

tail -f /opt/webpasswordsafe/catalina_base/logs/catalina.out

If you see something similar to INFO: Server startup in 33397 ms, your installation is fine you can go ahead and put your war file in the webapp directory in catalina_home.


Let me know what you think and if you have problem I’ll be glad to help you, but this is pretty straight forward!

Spacewalk 2.1 Problem pushing config files to systems. ( ‘str’ object has no attribute ‘value’ )

I have a problem publishing config file to my registered system using satellite 2.1

When I run rhn_check on the systems I always get a: D: Sending back response(49, “Failed deployment, rolled back:  ‘str’ object has no attribute ‘value'”, {})

I found a bug opened few days ago, so I’m curently working with a DEV on this, it look like a bug, if you too face this bug, please comment on the bugreport!

Here’s the full output of rhn_check -vv:

D: opening db environment /var/lib/rpm cdb:mpool:joinenv
D: opening db index /var/lib/rpm/Packages rdonly mode=0x0
D: locked db index /var/lib/rpm/Packages
D: loading keyring from pubkeys in /var/lib/rpm/pubkeys/*.key
D: couldn't find any keys in /var/lib/rpm/pubkeys/*.key
D: loading keyring from rpmdb
D: opening db index /var/lib/rpm/Name rdonly mode=0x0
D: added key gpg-pubkey-0608b895-4bd22942 to keyring
D: added key gpg-pubkey-863a853d-4f55f54d to keyring
D: added key gpg-pubkey-b3892132-4c63febc to keyring
D: added key gpg-pubkey-c105b9de-4e0fd3a3 to keyring
D: Using legacy gpg-pubkey(s) from rpmdb
D: opening db index /var/lib/rpm/Providename rdonly mode=0x0
D: check_action{'action': "<?xml version='1.0'?>\n<methodCall>\n<methodName>configfiles.deploy</methodName>\n<params>\n<param>\n<value><struct>\n<member>\n<name>files</name>\n<value><array><data>\n<value><struct>\n<member>\n<name>config_channel</name>\n<value><string>base-sepaq</string></value>\n</member>\n<member>\n<name>username</name>\n<value><string>root</string></value>\n</member>\n<member>\n<name>encoding</name>\n<value><string>base64</string></value>\n</member>\n<member>\n<name>checksum</name>\n<value><string>ec3c5c05a212c20ca690def7c2d3c79d</string></value>\n</member>\n<member>\n<name>filetype</name>\n<value><string>file</string></value>\n</member>\n<member>\n<name>delim_start</name>\n<value><string>{|</string></value>\n</member>\n<member>\n<name>delim_end</name>\n<value><string>|}</string></value>\n</member>\n<member>\n<name>symlink</name>\n<value><string></string></value>\n</member>\n<member>\n<name>modified</name>\n<value><string></string></value>\n</member>\n<member>\n<name>groupname</name>\n<value><string>root</string></value>\n</member>\n<member>\n<name>file_contents</name>\n<value><string>I3hmZ3hneGdmCiNBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUEKI0JCQkJCQkJCQkJCQkJCQkJCQkJCQgojQ0ND\nQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDCiNEREREREREREREREREREREREREREREREREREQK\n</string></value>\n</member>\n<member>\n<name>filemode</name>\n<value><int>644</int></value>\n</member>\n<member>\n<name>checksum_type</name>\n<value><string>md5</string></value>\n</member>\n<member>\n<name>path</name>\n<value><string>/etc/aaa</string></value>\n</member>\n<member>\n<name>selinux_ctx</name>\n<value><string>etc_t</string></value>\n</member>\n<member>\n<name>revision</name>\n<value><int>4</int></value>\n</member>\n</struct></value>\n</data></array></value>\n</member>\n</struct></value>\n</param>\n</params>\n</methodCall>\n", 'version': 2, 'id': 126}
updateLoginInfo() login info
D: login(forceUpdate=True) invoked
logging into up2date server
D: rpcServer: Calling XMLRPC up2date.login
D: writeCachedLogin() invoked
D: Wrote pickled loginInfo at 1398439576.61 with expiration of 1398443176.61 seconds.
successfully retrieved authentication token from up2date server
D: logininfo:{'X-RHN-Server-Id': 1000010006, 'X-RHN-Auth-Server-Time': '1398439576.41', 'X-RHN-Auth': 'M0X4upKQItLGbt4W6CMUjQ==', 'X-RHN-Auth-Channels': [['prod-centos6-x86_64', '20140324072756', '1', '1'], ['prod-epel_rhel6_x86_64', '20140413154109', '0', '1'], ['prod-spacewalk-client-2.1-centos6-x86_64', '20140414235043', '0', '1'], ['prod-rhel6-vm-x64-esx5-5', '20140416225329', '0', '1']], 'X-RHN-Auth-User-Id': '', 'X-RHN-Auth-Expire-Offset': '3600.0'}
D: handle_action{'action': "<?xml version='1.0'?>\n<methodCall>\n<methodName>configfiles.deploy</methodName>\n<params>\n<param>\n<value><struct>\n<member>\n<name>files</name>\n<value><array><data>\n<value><struct>\n<member>\n<name>config_channel</name>\n<value><string>base-sepaq</string></value>\n</member>\n<member>\n<name>username</name>\n<value><string>root</string></value>\n</member>\n<member>\n<name>encoding</name>\n<value><string>base64</string></value>\n</member>\n<member>\n<name>checksum</name>\n<value><string>ec3c5c05a212c20ca690def7c2d3c79d</string></value>\n</member>\n<member>\n<name>filetype</name>\n<value><string>file</string></value>\n</member>\n<member>\n<name>delim_start</name>\n<value><string>{|</string></value>\n</member>\n<member>\n<name>delim_end</name>\n<value><string>|}</string></value>\n</member>\n<member>\n<name>symlink</name>\n<value><string></string></value>\n</member>\n<member>\n<name>modified</name>\n<value><string></string></value>\n</member>\n<member>\n<name>groupname</name>\n<value><string>root</string></value>\n</member>\n<member>\n<name>file_contents</name>\n<value><string>I3hmZ3hneGdmCiNBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUEKI0JCQkJCQkJCQkJCQkJCQkJCQkJCQgojQ0ND\nQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDCiNEREREREREREREREREREREREREREREREREREQK\n</string></value>\n</member>\n<member>\n<name>filemode</name>\n<value><int>644</int></value>\n</member>\n<member>\n<name>checksum_type</name>\n<value><string>md5</string></value>\n</member>\n<member>\n<name>path</name>\n<value><string>/etc/aaa</string></value>\n</member>\n<member>\n<name>selinux_ctx</name>\n<value><string>etc_t</string></value>\n</member>\n<member>\n<name>revision</name>\n<value><int>4</int></value>\n</member>\n</struct></value>\n</data></array></value>\n</member>\n</struct></value>\n</param>\n</params>\n</methodCall>\n", 'version': 2, 'id': 126}
D: handle_action actionid = 126, version = 2
D: do_call configfiles.deploy({'files': [{'config_channel': 'base-seq', 'username': 'root', 'encoding': 'base64', 'checksum': 'ec3c5c05a212c20ca690def7c2d3c79d', 'filetype': 'file', 'delim_start': '{|', 'modified': '', 'symlink': '', 'groupname': 'root', 'delim_end': '|}', 'selinux_ctx': 'etc_t', 'filemode': 644, 'file_contents': 'I3hmZ3hneGdmCiNBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUEKI0JCQkJCQkJCQkJCQkJCQkJCQkJCQgojQ0ND\nQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDCiNEREREREREREREREREREREREREREREREREREQK\n', 'checksum_type': 'md5', 'path': '/etc/aaa', 'revision': 4}]},){'cache_only': None}
'str' object has no attribute 'value'
D: Sending back response(49, "Failed deployment, rolled back: 'str' object has no attribute 'value'", {})
D: do_call packages.checkNeedUpdate('rhnsd=1',){}
D: opening db environment /var/lib/rpm cdb:mpool:joinenv
D: opening db index /var/lib/rpm/Packages rdonly mode=0x0
D: loading keyring from pubkeys in /var/lib/rpm/pubkeys/*.key
D: couldn't find any keys in /var/lib/rpm/pubkeys/*.key
D: loading keyring from rpmdb
D: opening db index /var/lib/rpm/Name rdonly mode=0x0
D: added key gpg-pubkey-0608b895-4bd22942 to keyring
D: added key gpg-pubkey-863a853d-4f55f54d to keyring
D: added key gpg-pubkey-b3892132-4c63febc to keyring
D: added key gpg-pubkey-c105b9de-4e0fd3a3 to keyring
D: Using legacy gpg-pubkey(s) from rpmdb
D: opening db index /var/lib/rpm/Providename rdonly mode=0x0
D: closed db index /var/lib/rpm/Providename
D: closed db index /var/lib/rpm/Name
D: closed db index /var/lib/rpm/Packages
D: closed db environment /var/lib/rpm
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, rhnplugin
Config time: 0.033
D: rpcServer: Calling XMLRPC up2date.listChannels
This system is receiving updates from RHN Classic or Red Hat Satellite.
Setting up Package Sacks
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * base:
 * extras:
 * updates:
pkgsack time: 0.233
rpmdb time: 0.000
Checking for new repos for mirrors
repo time: 0.001
D: local action status: (0, 'rpm database not modified since last update (or package list recently updated)', {})
D: rpcServer: Calling XMLRPC registration.welcome_message
D: closed db index /var/lib/rpm/Providename
D: closed db index /var/lib/rpm/Name
D: closed db index /var/lib/rpm/Packages
D: closed db environment /var/lib/rpm

Fedora 15 problem with Empathy and you are unable to connect to msn ?

LAST UPDATE #2: An update as been pushed in the Fedora Testing repo and correct this problem. If you want to install this update you just have to use the enablerepo feature just like that:

#yum install papyon --enablerepo=updates-testing

The repository is enabled only for this update!

UPDATE #1: This has worked for me yesterday, but it’s not working anymore.. I haven’t been able to fix the issue… Please report your test and problems in the bug report at:

Papyon : Can't login in Windows live : 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'find'

If you get this erorr reported by ABRT on Fedora 15 and you are unable to connect to msn with empathy, here’s a workaround.

Here’s the bug report if you want to share your problem regarding this issue:

The workaround consist of a upstram patch that has been released. It will probably work it’s way to fedora soon but for now you need to do some work by hand.

Here you can get the code to update:

As you can see you have to edit three files. The path I will give you is the exact path under Fedora 15 but can change with other distrib. The line with “-” need to be commented with a “#” at the beginning of the line, and the line with a + need to be added..

1 – /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/papyon/service/description/SingleSignOn/

- CONTACTS = ("", "MBI")
+ CONTACTS = ("", "MBI")
2 – /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/papyon/service/description/AB/
-url = ""
+url = ""
3 – /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/papyon/service/description/Sharing/
-url = ""
+url = ""

That’s it!

Intel(R) Centrino(R) Advanced-N 6230 AGN not working by default with Fedora 15

I just got a new laptop, from my new job ( Yeah! ) and I was testing Fedora 15 on it. It’s a Toshiba Tecra R850 and by default on Fedora 15 with all available update applied in date of 28 May 2011.

So if you get something like this in your dmesg output, you probably just don’t have the right package.

    [ 8.751626] iwlagn: Intel(R) Wireless WiFi Link AGN driver for Linux, in-tree:d
    [ 8.751628] iwlagn: Copyright(c) 2003-2010 Intel Corporation
    [ 8.751729] iwlagn 0000:05:00.0: PCI INT A -> GSI 18 (level, low) -> IRQ 18
    [ 8.751769] iwlagn 0000:05:00.0: setting latency timer to 64
    [ 8.751909] iwlagn 0000:05:00.0: Detected Intel(R) Centrino(R) Advanced-N 6230 AGN, REV=0xB0
    [ 8.762800] iwlagn 0000:05:00.0: device EEPROM VER=0x716, CALIB=0x6
    [ 8.762802] iwlagn 0000:05:00.0: Device SKU: 0Xb
    [ 8.762804] iwlagn 0000:05:00.0: Valid Tx ant: 0X3, Valid Rx ant: 0X3
    [ 8.762830] iwlagn 0000:05:00.0: Tunable channels: 13 802.11bg, 24 802.11a channels
    [ 8.763257] iwlagn 0000:05:00.0: irq 49 for MSI/MSI-X
    [ 8.905727] iwlagn 0000:05:00.0: request for firmware file 'iwlwifi-6000g2b-5.ucode' failed.
    [ 8.907145] iwlagn 0000:05:00.0: request for firmware file 'iwlwifi-6000g2b-4.ucode' failed.
    [ 8.907150] iwlagn 0000:05:00.0: no suitable firmware found!
    [ 8.907448] iwlagn 0000:05:00.0: PCI INT A disabled

To resolve the issue simply install iwl6000g2b-firmware.noarch using yum.

# yum install iwl6000g2b-firmware.noarch

That's it, the package is just not installed by default!

MythTV and MythWEB on Fedora 14

I finally get everything working correctly… I don’t have a lot of time for this post, but I want to share how I corrected few problems I had.

1 – Sound problem. This one is cause by MythTV having problem dealing with PulseAudio. The solution was simple, and it was to set the MythTV FrontEnd audio device to ALSA:pulse … There’s no auto discovery for this.

The second problem was with MythWeb. I was unable to load the web interface.

Here’s the errors I got:

Apache logs:
PHP Fatal error:  Failed to open translation file:  modules_path/_shared/lang/English.lang in /usr/share/mythweb/classes/Translate.php on line 172
MythTV Backend:
MainServer, Warning: Unknown socket closing MythSocket

So I don’t think this is the best fix ever. But if you’re like me and totally pissed off do this:

# vim /usr/share/mythweb/classes/Translate.php

Modify this section (original) :

    // Load the primary language file, or English if the other doesn't exist.
        if (file_exists(modules_path.'/_shared/lang/'.$language.'.lang'))
            $path = modules_path.'/_shared/lang/'.$language.'.lang';
            $path = modules_path.'/_shared/lang/English.lang';

After modification it should look like this:

       //if (file_exists(modules_path.'/_shared/lang/'.$language.'.lang'))
        if (file_exists('/usr/share/mythweb/modules/_shared/lang/English.lang'))
            $path = '/usr/share/mythweb/modules/_shared/lang/English.lang';
            $path = '/usr/share/mythweb/modules/_shared/lang/English.lang';

And voila… everything is working now. Feel free to ask question I know there’s not a lot of detail in this post but I’ve run into a lot of problem with this setup, so I can probably help!


S2LQ Fedora presence report

The S2LQ is now over. We had two great days and a lot of people had come! There was more than 600 persons who sign up for the free event which make this event one of the top 3 biggest event in the computer industry in Quebec, Canada!

First, sorry for the delay of this report, there’s a lot of thing happening in my life those last weeks and unfortunately I don’t have all the time I want to invest in my community activities..

That said, here’s a picture of the booth ( and me ) at the S2LQ

Unfortunately we haven’t received the  Fedora 14 DVD and there was a bunch of F13 DVD/Live cd, so I gave those media to people and tell them to download the lastest version if they like it! I almost gave an entire box of DVD and LiveCD, I can’t tell you how many, but during those two days a lot of people come back home with Fedora media to try it :)The stickers and button were pretty popular too!

So what can I say regarding the event..

My main goal was:

  1. Position Fedora in Quebec city. Show to the people that there are people using Fedora and there’s help here in Quebec city if they have trouble!
  2. Put some visibility for the Fedora Project. This one was a success with all the media distributed and with the big Fedora vertical banner
  3. Explain to people the relationship between Redhat and the Fedora Project
  4. Create some connection between the member of other community in the Quebec area ( other distribution, project etc… )
  5. Publicize the fact that there’s two Fedora ambassadors in Quebec city, and where to look if they want to be informed of release party and other events.
  6. Explain what are the main goal of the Fedora as a Linux distribution, what are the differences with the other distributions etc..

All those objectives has been achieved! I’m really proud of this event, I’ve met a lot of people involved in very different way in Opensource and heard of project born here and we didn’t even know!

I event get a picture with Richard Stallman! Again not the best picture ever.. I don’t know what’s wrong with me an pictures ;)

Thanks for everyone who helped me for this event, I think about Larry Cafiero who sent me the vertical banner and the button, Jean-Francois Saucier who gave me the F13 media, ng who sent me Fedora t-shirt which I didn’t receive on time unfortunately :( ,Michael Lessard and Claude Reeves for all the talk during spare time between presentation! ;) Ho, and Thanks the Laurent Bounin and everyone from the APELL who make this event a success!

More photos of the event:
